Salamanca 2010
Our blog for the 300-level Spanish course.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Return Back To The United States
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My First Week Back to Reality
I was jolted back to reality quite prematurely as I nearly missed my plane from Barcelona, Spain to Atlanta, GA. My heart dropped as I came to the realization that my chances of making my plane before departure time were SLIM to none as I raced to my gate. Lo and behold, I had just made it! And then...I got detained. Apparently I had bypassed the passport check-point (unbeknownst to me of course) and airport security was NOT happy about it. So I was escorted back to the passport line and further and further away from my gate. After receiving a lecture from one of the security personnel, I was able to get my passport stamped and high-tailed it back to my gate, which was in the process of being closed off! Looking a HOT MESS, with dried tears on my cheeks and sweating like some kind of large farm animal, I boarded the plane. And, of course, I was the last person to board so I felt the stares of everyone I bumped and shoved while trying to make it to my seat all the way at the back of the plane. WHEW! What a tumultuous beginning to the long journey home. As soon as I sat down, I fell right asleep and slept for the first hour or two of the plane ride as a result of trauma, adrenaline and just pure exhaustion. It's a wonder I made it...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Madam, need a hand?? (I make myself laugh)
These are only a few of the spectacular sites there are to see, in Madrid. Overall, it was an amazing journey, and helped me grow not only in my ability to speak Spanish, but also as a person. I feel that I have consistently stretched beyond my comfort zone, helping me attain a new understanding of the world around me, as well as a new sense of self.
As a final summary of our experiences, I've uploaded a video...
Until next time!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Looking Back on Spain
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Leaving Spain
El Último Blog
WOW! Is the six weeks almost up already? Well, I guess the saying that time flies by when you’re having fun really is true! It’s very hard for me to write this last blog entry because I have made so many new friends, memories, and travelled so many places, that quite frankly it is overwhelming. I knew that my Summer in Spain would be amazing, but I had no idea that it would be this fun and gratifying. The trip has simply been rewarding in a plethora of ways. My Spanish speaking has improved drastically, I received the experience of living and interacting with a foreign family, and I visited several historical monuments. My Summer in Salamanca will definitely be one that I will never forget, and I am grateful that I can follow up my Senior year at Michigan with such a positive experience.
As I exited the train at the Salamanca train station on June 27, 2010, I had mixed emotions about the journey that I was about to embark upon. Would my host family accept me? Would I like the food in Spain? How would I cope without seeing my family for 6 weeks? All of these questions were lingering in my head. Despite this, I can firmly say that I do not regret my choice to study abroad. I feel that I have become a much stronger, independent person from this experience. Dealing with adversity such as the chaos in Portugal and having to solely use my Spanish to maneuver through situations have all bettered me as an individual. Also, when I arrive back in the States, I will be more appreciative of things such as air conditioning and drinking water. These components are very limited in Spain and I will never take them for granted again!
For me, going to my two Cursos Internacionales classes each day and my Michigan class four days out of the week was very beneficial. The structure of the classroom here in Spain is much different from that in the United States. For example, in my Cursos classes, I learned about the history, traditions, customs, and celebrations in Spain. These things are very applicable and interesting, especially when you are able to travel and see them first hand. When I traveled to Madrid, I saw the “Guernica” after learning about it in my art history class, which enabled me to take much more away from the portrait. Even though these classes were great, my Michigan course was definitely my favorite. The reason for this is because we were never exclusively boggled down to the classroom. We visited tapas, took an excursion to the markets and supermarkets, and toured notable places around Salamanca. The class was very interactive and I enjoyed going each day. Lastly, my agri-business practicum was absolutely amazing! After visiting the ham, cheese, and wine factories, I definitely have a new found appreciation for quality food!
A large part of my experience is this Summer is due to the places that I traveled to on the weekends. When I came to Spain the first time, my family and I only went to Madrid and Barcelona. So this time around, I made it a priority to travel to as many cities as possible. That goal became reality as I was able to visit Sevilla, Granada, Toledo, Madrid, and Lisboa, Portugal. You don’t really know the true value of traveling within a country until you actually experience it. Staying at the hotels in these various places was almost like an excursion in itself, considering the fact that we had time away from our host homes. So, from the extreme heat in Granada, to our super futuristic hotel in Madrid, I will hold these memories with me forever.
The hardest part of my Spanish experience has been saying goodbye to my friends that I have made from other universities. I met people from Florida, Alabama, London, and Indiana. Over the course of the Summer, I became very close with these people after seeing them everyday and going out with them. Just the thought that you may not see these people soon or ever again is very disheartening, but thankfully for modern technology, I can stay in touch with them. Last Friday when my new friends left, I was very sad, but I’m much better now and I have even talked to them since then. The good thing about having a group that is all from Michigan is that we will see each other all the time in the Fall. So, to my other great friends that I have met this Summer, its not goodbye, but rather I will see you later!
In summary, my time in Salamanca has been absolutely amazing. I feel that I have so much more exploring to do, but I know that it is now time to go home and enjoy my family. I have a lot of work and chores to do over the next few days to prepare for my departure, but I am up for the challenge. I want to send a special thank you to my host madre, Mrs. Iluminada for her hospitality, as well as a thanks to all my teachers. You have all contributed to the great time I have had here. So, for today I leave, but for tomorrow, we shall be reunited very soon! Salamanca, Summer 2010, one for the history books!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Final Thoughts and Memories
When I first borded the plane in Detroit in mid-May, I had no idea what to expect. I had never traveled by myself before and I was very concerned about simply transfering planes and getting to Europe (and with all my stuff!) But somehow I managed...I learned how to use the metro system in some huge cities like Paris and Madrid, how trains and buses work, and more.
When I first got to Spain, I was also very nervous about the host family situation. At first, it felt very akward to basically walk into someone else's home and start living there. I quickly got over this however, and felt very blessed to have been placed with someone amazing like my Señora and her family. Rosa is an amazing person and whenever I see someone cooking tons of food, I will definitely think of her! Her family was also awsome and it was a great experience being there for her family reunion with her family from the Canary Islands.
I also feel very lucky to have been able to take some amazing classes at La Universidad de Salamanca, both with teachers from UM and some from Salamanca. One of the coolest parts of my classes, for me, was meeting people from all over the world. I had classes with students from Brazil, various parts of the United States, China, Japan, France, and more. I also meet many people from all over the world on weekend trips, like people from Germany and the Netherlands. For me, it was also great practice when my professors and classmates did not speak English. It forced me to speak Spanish and not rely on English so much, like I can do during my classes in Michigan. Overall, my classes were great and I learned a ton, whether it be about Spanish art, the government and history of Spain, or the culture of Spain.
Finally, I am really glad I meet such amazing people during my time in Salamanca. I know that when I return to Ann Arbor, I will continue to meet up with my friends from Salamanca and, although it will not be the same as in Spain, we will hopefully continue to live "the dream."
For now, I am back in the States and back to normal life, but I know that one day I will return to Europe, I place that I feel in love with in only 12 short weeks.
¡Hasta Luego!