
Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Impressions of Spain

País Leones Libres

After an incredibly erratic cab ride through the graffiti-soaked streets of Madrid, a passage by train through the mountains of Castille y León that had me constantly having to slam my jaw shut manually, and a fresh, sunny Salamantina day greeting me as I stepped off the train, I can officially say that I miss the United States like the world misses Smallpox. For one, Tapas must be the most genius idea ever conceived by man - buy alcoholic beverage, get free plate of food. So simple, so genius! Also, for those that don't know, my host mother is very, very interesting to say the least; every day evokes a new story for her past that I can see myself telling for years to come around a bonfire, hopefully with an ice cold Mahou in hand.
Finally, football. Good lord Football. No one, and I mean no one, celebrates sports like the Spanish celebrate Football over here. Maybe its because the Gods have smiled upon our small group of 42 students and given them the opportunity to experience the first time ever that the Spanish have been in the Finals (or even the quarterfinals). Living near Chicago myself, I can imagine if the Cubs were in the finals of the World Series, it would look almost similar, yet the entire country wouldn't be united in their tears, screams, cheers, and public drunkenness. This has been an absolutely incredible experience and I thank fate for placing all of us here at such an incredible time in this country's history.

Con Amor,

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