
Monday, July 12, 2010

First Impressions

My first impressions: Well, for the first time in my life, I don't feel like that much of an ignorant American. Before I came here, seeing as it is a notorious international university, I assumed that a majority (if not some) of the locals would speak English. Well that is completely not true. I would feel a little more concerned about this if I didn't speak as much Spanish as I do. It really surprised me that nobody, not even the host parents (from what I've heard), speaks English. It is really part of the experience of living in another country when nobody speaks your language and you are required to survive on your knowledge of the foreign language. Basically, it was exactly what I was looking for.
Although we are already 2 weeks (time flies when you're having fun) into the program, I am still discovering little new things about this place. With the abundance of graffiti on the streets and the futbol hooligans every night (Wait, wasn't there some sort of soccer contest this month?), it isn't much more different than I would expect any other college town to be. I can easily see how people come from all over the world to come study here. Every single building is beautiful, not even mentioning the centuries old Cathedral and other historic buildings. It is hard, sometimes, to remember that I have class and homework. This place has a way of making the days go by seamlessly. 1/3 done with our program, yet so much to experience. Next time, I'll explain how Pamplona and Running of the Bulls is crazier than any other party/place/thing I have every experienced.

Adios for now.
John "It ain't easy" Slindee

1 comment:

  1. John - great post on the beauty of being here. There is no doubt that the surroundings are much different from Ann Arbor. Can you post some pics of what most calls your attention so the folks back home can see what you find so interesting?
